Your website content is your voice, so it’s crucial that it reflects the values and passion behind your business.
Don’t entrust your voice to anyone who can’t convey it as you would.
What is the story behind your business?
What kind of emotions do you want to evoke in someone learning about what you do for the first time?
There are many questions behind writing content for a website.
I ask these not just out of curiosity (though I am admittedly curious), but because the content I write will speak for (and about) you.
Your website content reveals your brand’s voice.
Clearly telling your story and philosophy creates empathy among your audience—those who hear about you and want to learn more, those who become passionate about your products, and not only purchase them but also spread the word.
From the words you choose to use on your pages, people can sense many things: they can feel included and part of your project, or excluded and never return.
That’s why inclusive copywriting is essential.
Why should you work with an inclusive language specialist for your website content?
The language you choose to describe yourself matters, and your audience perceives it. The words you select to portray yourself reveal a lot about you. Inclusive copywriting helps you represent your business without excluding any part of your audience.
The narration of your story and products will communicate with humanity, clarity, and without the overused expressions heard a thousand times. It will be a narrative free from discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, or religion—a narrative without empty words or clichés.
Representing yourself through inclusive web writing is a way to put people and respect for each individual at the center of the conversation. It moves beyond the predictable patterns of the usual to empower each word by eliminating the “it has always been done this way.”
Isn’t this the only way you would want to talk about yourself?
Content writing and copywriting for the web: What can I do for you?
We start with you and what you want to share.
If your content is already online, we’ll review and improve it together to truly speak about you. If it’s still just blank pages, we’ll build everything from scratch, together.
We’ll understand what your audience searches for and how to reach their hearts through keyword research.
We’ll find the right tone for your content and business. The right way to tell your choices, your values, your passion.
We’ll see how to guide your readers, whether it’s their first or hundredth visit. We’ll find ways together to turn people from just an audience into buyers and fans of what you do.
We aim for accessible and transparent language that reveals your wonderful essence. ✨
How it works
Contact me using the form at the end of this page and briefly describe your project. If you prefer, we can set a meeting to talk over Skype or Zoom.
Once we clarify how I can assist you, I’ll send you a free quote.
Before I start writing or reviewing your website texts, I’ll ask you to fill out a questionnaire to better understand your project. It will be an exciting part of our collaboration!
What does the web content writing and copywriting service include?
- A questionnaire to understand the essence of your activity.
- A one-hour video call to go over the questionnaire responses.
- Keyword research for your content.
- The texts for your website, as outlined in the quote.
- A video call for a final Q&A session.
Disclaimer: What I do not work on
- I do not create SEO strategies.
- I do not deal with technical SEO or SEO architecture.
- I do not manage social media channels.
How much does web content cost?
Writing texts for your website starts from 900 euros plus VAT. For revising and editing existing web texts with an inclusive approach, the price starts at 580 euros plus VAT for a complete site (from 5 pages upwards).
The final price depends on several factors that are hard to estimate in advance: you’ll need to help me by providing all the necessary details. To determine the final price, I consider your sector, the amount of text to write, their length, and your urgency.
If you need original articles for your blog to sustain your long-term content strategy, let me know more details using the contact form below.
The price for a single blog article starts from 90 euros plus VAT. If you prefer, we can consider a customized package of monthly articles: this way, the price per article will be lower. 😉
Even in this case, the final price of the service depends on the sector you operate in, the length of the content, any custom images, and the desired delivery times.
For other writing services like email or product sheets, describe the project you have in mind, and I will prepare a tailored quote for you. ✨
💡 If you have a VAT number valid for intra-community transactions, all the prices of my services will be exempt from VAT.